The Bolshoi Ballet 19-20 | Swan Lake

Release date: Feb. 23, 2019
Countries available: UK
Music Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Choerography Yuri Grigorovich
Libretto Yuri Grigorovich
Cast The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet
Prince Siegfried is summoned by his parents to choose a bride. However, he encounters a mysterious swan-woman by the lake, Odette, and is captivated by her. His vow of eternal love to her will have irreversible consequences.
The ballet
Tchaikovsky’s essential masterpiece returns with a new cast for the most beloved ballet in the classical canon. Technically challenging and filled with vibrant emotion, with a stunning and world-famous corps de ballet in perfect unison, the legendary love story between Prince Siegfried and the dual personalities Odette/Odile, born at the Bolshoi Theatre, is a must-see.
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