THE OBSERVER | Interview with Depeche Mode: SPIRITS in the Forest director Anton Corbijn

Nov. 04, 2019
< 1 minute read
“The sound is loud and clear, the stage is close and the toilets usually better than temporary units. The only thing a gig in a cinema might lack is a moshpit for fans to squeeze into at the front. According to the award-winning filmmaker Anton Corbijn, one-off big-screen music events now come a close second to the live concert experience and have a growing value for both fans and musicians.
‘It is a real event, rather than seeing it on TV on your own at home. This is like a concert, and it is a more exclusive way to see a band that also brings people together,” Corbijn told the Observer this weekend, ahead of the worldwide cinematic event that is to launch his new Depeche Mode film later this month.'”
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